Launched in 2011, Project WeCan (WeCan) is a Business-in-Community initiative providing students who are disadvantaged in learning with opportunities and care to empower them Circle_Networkfor pursuing higher studies and future careers.

Through diversified programmes, WeCan strives to:

  • Enhance students’ communication skills and basic competence
  • Increase their exposure
  • Cultivate their character and develop their common sense
  • Foster their innovativeness and creativity

Using an ‘adopt a school’ model, Project WeCan is an open platform where each school is coupled with a partner in a multi-year collaboration for providing financial and volunteer support. Corporate sponsors, organisations, schools and volunteers joining Project WeCan will be part of the Project WeCan network, where members can share successful case studies of working with students, best practices, and curriculum in order to maximise programme impact.

Since May 2020, Project WeCan Foundation Ltd is a charitable organisation registered under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance (Cap.112).


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